I’m new around here
Welcome to Crossroads, thank you for visiting us online, we look forward to meeting you soon.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Service Times?
Sunday Morning Worship Service starts at 10 AM and ends around 11 AM, beat the lunch crowd!
I’m new, where do I go?
Just go in the main front doors and the sanctuary will be on the right. Don’t forget to grab a cup of coffee and some donut holes on your way in!
What do I wear?
Anything from work clothes to suits. Wear whatever feels comfortable to you!
What is the worship music style?
We understand there are many different song types and styles and we do our best to provide a variety. We sing traditional hymns like “Are You Washed in the Blood” and “I’ll Fly Away” and more modern, contemporary songs like “Good Good Father” and “Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone.” No matter what the song type or style our focus is always upon Jesus and not ourselves!
What do I do with my kids?
We always encourage families to be together during our worship service, but we also have:
Nursery available for infants up to 4 years old.
Children’s Church during the worship service for 4 years old up to including 5th graders. They will be dismissed right after we get through singing.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will see you soon!
Church Office Hours
Mon-Thur: 9am - 1pm
Church Services
Wed : Meal @6:00pm
Wed: Bible Study @6:30pm
Sun: Worship Service @10am
Mailing Address
PO Box 186
Madisonville, TX 77864
Visit Us
We are located on Highway 90 South, just on the edge of town on the left, where it turns country!